Latest version: 3.1
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audiotools-config cd2track cdinfo cdplay coverdump covertag coverview dvda2track dvdainfo track2cd track2track trackcat trackcmp trackinfo tracklength tracklint trackplay trackrename tracksplit tracktag trackverify


cd2track extracts audio files from a compact disc and encodes them to tracks. If track numbers are given, extracts only those tracks. Otherwise, extracts the entire disc.

-h, --help
show a list of options and exit
-I, --interactive
edit metadata and encoding options in interactive mode prior to splitting file
-c, --cdrom=CDROM
the CD-ROM device to extract audio from
-s, --speed=SPEED
the speed to extract audio data at
-V, --verbose=VERBOSITY
The level of output to display. Choose between 'normal', 'quiet' and 'debug'.
Extraction Options
-t, --type=TYPE
The audio format of the extracted audio tracks. For a list of available audio formats, try: -t help.
-q, --quality=QUALITY
The desired quality of the extracted tracks. For a list of available quality modes for a given format, try: -q help
-d, --dir=DIRECTORY
The target directory for the extracted tracks. If none is given, the current working directory is used. If the target directory does not exist, it will be created automatically.
The format string to use for new filenames. Template fields are replaced with metadata values when new tracks are created. All other text is left as-is. If this option is omitted, a default format string is used.
Cd lookup Options
the MusicBrainz server name to query for metadata
the MusicBrainz port to query for metadata
don't query MusicBrainz for metadata
the FreeDB server name to query for metadata
the FreeDB port to query for metadata
don't query FreeDB for metadata
-D, --default
When multiple metadata choices are available, select the first one automatically. This option has no effect when used with -I
Metadata Options
the album number of this CD, if it is one in a series of albums
the total number of albums in this CD's set, if it is one in a series of albums
add ReplayGain metadata to newly created tracks
do not add ReplayGain metadata to newly created tracks

Extracted tracks are automatically verified against AccurateRip's online database. The confidence level is the number of other people who have the same rip, so a larger value indicates one's own rip is consistent with those of others. However, not finding one's rip in the AccurateRip database does not necessarily mean the rip is bad; the CD may be new, rare, or a different pressing than the one in the database.

Extract all of the tracks from /dev/cdrom as FLAC files at the default quality:
cd2track -t flac -c /dev/cdrom